About This Obsession

Hey there, aficionados of thinking and champions of reassurance! Welcome to "PLEASE EXCUSE MY OCD," the only OCD podcast that gets a standing ovation from your inner critic. I’m Tyler Falcoa, and I've been living with OCD ever since I was just a knee-high worry wart, which is a totally polite way of saying I've been "obsessed about obsessing" since the single digits. Being clinically diagnosed at the age of 10 came with its own challenges, but I've found ways to deal with them, considering I've had literally 20 years to conjure them up. The intrusive thoughts have always been hard to deal with, but I found solace in different forms of therapy, medications, and humor.

Tune in as I share my experiences, answer your questions, and bring on guests who experience OCD themselves to help you feel better understood!